Tuesday, February 27, 2007

At the age of 8

The mother of a seven-year-old boy who already weighs 15-and-a-half stone has said she fears he will suffer from bullying and ill-health due to his size.

Connor McCreaddie is four times the weight of an average seven-year-old.

His mum, Nicola McKeown, says he now has to sleep on the floor because he has broken so many beds.

Ms McKeown said Connor was in five-year-olds' clothes when he was 18-months-old. When he was five he was nine stone, she said.

And this year alone he has put on three stone.

"I try to be strict with him and limit what he eats but some days I just think, 'my God, you have had so much today'," Ms KcKeown, 35, from Wallsend, North Tyneside, told the Sunday Sun.

"I know it's going to get worse and his heart and lifespan will be affected.

"He has already been bullied at school. The teachers handled it well and sorted it out, but he is always going to get bullied because of his size."

She said Connor does not go to school any more because he struggles with the five-minute walk. Before that the family could not find a school uniform to fit the 5ft youngster.


Pranav said...

Woah! what a boy! wonder when he will die.... poor guy...

Anonymous said...

uh... sad on him

Aloysius said...

he will die for sure if he is gonna be with his parents.... :P